MoHUA Schemes and Missions help boost the Make in India and AtamNirbhar Bharat Initiatives

The Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) authorities say that they are doing their best help boost the Make in India and AtamNirbhar Bharat Initiatives.
Against total approved SAAP size of ₹77,640 crore, 5,874 projects worth ₹82,223 crore have been grounded. Of the grounded projects, physical work worth ₹67,073 cr. have been completed (inclusive of completed projects worth ₹33,031 cr.) and expenditure of ₹60,063 cr. has been incurred.
So far, under AMRUT mission , the Union Government has provided around 134 lakh water tap connections and 102 lakh sewer/ septage connections, developed 3,096 MLD treatment capacity of WTP, 2,892 MLD treatment capacity of STPs, around 1,400 MLD of reuse capacity of which 800 MLD is being reused, and around 4,450 acres of green space/parks, and eliminated around 2,400 water logging points.
It may be noted that AMRUT 2.0 was launched by Prime MinisterNarendra Modi on 1st October 2021. This mission is a step towards AatmaNirbhar Bharat with aim of making the cities ‘water secure’ and providing functional water tap connections to all households in all statutory towns/cities. The total indicative outlay for AMRUT 2.0 is ₹2,77,000 Cr including central share of ₹76,760 Cr for the period from 2021-22 to 2025-26.
So far, 4,830 projects worth ₹93,381 crore of Water Supply, Water Body Rejuvenation, Sewerage & Septage Management, Parks & Green Space Development are approved under AMRUT 2.0 mission. These projects target 2.68 crore water tap connections, 2.64 crore sewer connections, 7,151 MLDs capacity to be added through new and augmentation of existing WTPs, 827 MLDs water to be recycled/reused, and 2,204 MLDs capacity to be added through new and augmentation of existing STPs.
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana- Urban (PMAY-U) was launched in June 2015 to provide an all-weather dwelling unit to eligible beneficiaries across all urban areas. All houses built or acquired or purchased under the Mission have basic amenities like kitchen, water supply, electricity and toilet. The Mission has been extended upto 31st December 2024 to complete the already sanctioned houses upto 31st March 2022. As of November 2022, more than 1.20 crore houses have been sanctioned under the Mission, out of which more than 64 lakhs have been completed and the rest are in various stages of construction/grounding.
Under the Mission, a Technology Sub-Mission (TSM) has been set up to facilitate the adoption of innovative, sustainable, eco-friendly and disaster-resilient technologies and building materials for low-cost, speedier and quality construction of houses. TSM not only aims to ensure speedier and safer delivery under PMAY-U but also has the potential to bring a paradigm shift in the overall housing construction sector in the country. Under TSM, Global Housing Technology Challenge- India (GHTC-India) helped identify 54 global proven and potential innovative construction technologies with an objective of starting a new era in the construction technology sector in the country. As a result of GHTC-India, six Light House Projects (LHPs) are being built in six cities of the country in six different climate zones. This year, two of the six LHPs at Chennai and Rajkot were completed & handed over to the beneficiaries by Hon’ble Prime Minister. Advantages of these LHPs are many, the primary ones being durability, climate-resilient, affordability, safety and speed.
MoHUA also launched the Enrolment Module for TECHNOGRAHIS including students from IITs, NITs, engineering, planning and architecture colleges, faculty members, academicians, and stakeholders for registering themselves to visit Live Laboratories at six LHP sites for learning, consultation, generation of ideas and solutions, experimentation, innovation, and technical awareness. This helped them in getting a first-hand account of the technologies being used and in turn, they can adapt and adopt them as per their requirements in the construction sector for a ‘Make in India’ approach. This year more than 7348 TECHNOGRAHIS visited the LHPs physically while more than 5000 participants took part in 75 RACHNA (Resilient Affordable Comfortable Housing through National Action) Training on Innovative Construction Technologies & Thermal Comfort for Affordable Housing.
In the month of October 2022, MoHUA organized an Expo-cum-Conference: Indian Urban Housing Conclave in Rajkot. The exhibition provided a platform for all Missions of MoHUA to showcase their achievements in the past seven years and also showcase the way forward. The second part of the exhibition highlighted the achievements by various States/UTs under PMAY(U) with a specific focus on Gujarat. The third part of the exhibition provided a platform to bring together people and construction technologies was a national exhibition on innovative and indigenous construction technologies. More than 80 construction technologies participated in the exhibition. The event also saw release of seven books by MoHUA: Housing for All: Transforming Lives in Urban India, Compendiums on LHP Chennai & LHP Rajkot, Handbook on Innovative Construction Technologies and Thermal Comfort in Affordable Housing, Compendium of 75 RACHNA Trainings on Affordable Housing & Thermal Comfort, Proceedings of Policy Dialogue Beyond PMAY(U), Housing, Satisfaction and Livelihood – An Impact Assessment of PMAY-U and Discourses of Affordable Housing in India & Best Practices under PMAY(U).
Smart Cities Mission was launched with the objective of promoting cities that provide core infrastructure and give a decent quality of life to its citizens, a clean and sustainable environment and application of ‘Smart’ solutions. The year 2022 started with a target to work order all projects in the Smart Cities Mission. Having achieved this target, the remaining nine months in the mission has been the year to accelerate work completion. Currently, 5,005 projects worth ₹92,766 crore have been completed until 12 December 2022 with 2,737 projects worth 88,796 crore in the advanced stage of implementation. Its noteworthy that 1,707 projects worth ₹36,754 crore have been completed in the current year. The financial progress in Smart Cities Mission has accelerated too. The funds released by the Central government increased from ₹28,315 crore to ₹34,887 crore towards the end of year 2022. This progress has also been reflected by an 89% utilization of funds released from the Center and States.
An important milestone achieved in the mission, was to operationalize Integrated Command and Control Centers (ICCC) in all 100 Smart Cities. While these ICCCs were developed to incorporate technology in urban management, they became the war rooms during the COVID-19 pandemic. Each of these ICCCs are maturing every day towards better management of services with use of technology in fields like safety, transport management, solid waste management, water supply etc.
21 Indian States have signed an MoU to extend digital services to its citizens across all its Urban Local Bodies under the National Urban Digital Mission (NUDM), which was launched creating a common platform to be shared across India. Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) and the National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) are helping the States in the implementation of NUDM.
India also won the prestigious World Smart City Award under the Innovation category, at Smart City Expo World Congress-2022 in Barcelona for their data initiative- “Data Smart Cities: Empowering Cities through Data”; among 337 proposals received from 60 countries.
Key Initiatives
Few notable events and initiatives conducted by the Smart Cities Mission, MoHUA during the year are as under:
– In January 2022, SCM, MoHUA conducted the ‘Urban Geospatial Data Stories Challenge-2022’. The event saw participation from 1,000+ people across national geospatial agencies, private sector enterprises, scientific and academic institutions, businesses, start-ups to analyze this data and create insightful data stories.
– In April 2022, SCM, MoHUA with Surat City organized a 3-Day conference “Smart Cities, Smart Urbanization” in Surat, under the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM). During this, SCM launched various data and technology-led initiatives.
– Urban Outcomes Framework 2022 was launched as an initiative to undertake a transparent and comprehensive assessment of cities based on cross-city outcomes across major sectors. The Framework includes the third rounds of Ease of Living Index (EoLI), Municipal Performance Index (MPI), Climate Smart Cities Assessment Framework (CSCAF) and Data Maturity Assessment Framework (DMAF).
– The Artificial Intelligence Playbook for Cities was designed to act as a guidebook for the implementation of AI solutions that cities can deploy to solve complex urban issues, while the Artificial Intelligence Use Case Compendium was a compilation of AI use cases that have successfully been implemented by smart cities across the urban domain.
– By August 2022, all 100 Smart Cities had developed and operationalized their Integrated Command and Control Centers (ICCCs) in the country.
– In October 2022, SCM, MoHUA conducted a 2-day workshop viz. “Smart Cities CEOs Conference on Data and Technology” in Kochi, Kerala. The conference focused on financial sustenance, procurement methods, technical capacity, healthy market participation and maturity assessment for the efficient running of ICCCs across the country.
– In early November 2022, SCM, MoHUA launched the Citizen Perception Survey 2022 under the Ease of Living Index-2022 for 264 cities to capture citizens feedback about their city. The Survey, being conducted online and offline, aims to capture and reflect opinions of from more than 21 lakh citizens across the length and breadth of the country.
– In November 2022, MoHUA also won the prestigious World Smart City Awards for Innovation at Smart City Expo World Congress 2022 in Barcelona for their ambitious data initiative “DataSmart Cities: Empowering Cities through Data” under the Innovation category.
To sustain the outcomes achieved under SBM-U Phase 1 and take it to scale, it was crucial to keep up the momentum till the final intended outcomes and impact have been achieved. The Swachh Bharat Mission Urban 2.0 was therefore launched on 1st October 2021 with the vision of a Garbage Free urban India by 2026. The Swachh Bharat Mission 2.0 is being implemented with a total financial allocation of INR ₹1,41,678 crores over a period of 5 years from 2021-2026. The key components of the Mission comprise (i) Sustainable Sanitation (ii) Sustainable Solid Waste Management and (iii) Used Water Management. In addition, Information Education Communication/Behaviour Change Communication and Capacity Building are provisioned as cross cutting components. The focus on Garbage Free Cities has already resulted in the preparation and implementation of City Sanitation Action Plans, City Solid Waste Action Plans, Used Water Management Plans and IEC and Capacity Building Plans by ULBs across the country.