Towards a Blue Revolution

It is in line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision to use digital technology as a means to empower and as a tool that bridges the distance between hope and opportunity that Shri Parshottam Rupala, Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, launched the other day the PMMSY MIS dashboard.
PMMSY stands for Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana.
PMMSY scheme was launched in May 2020 with the highest ever investment of Rs. 20,050 crores for focussed and holistic development of the fisheries sector while ensuring socio-economic wellbeing of fishermen, fish farmers and other stakeholders.
Till date a total project investment of Rs 7242.90 Crores (FY 2020-22) has been done under PMMSY.
Keeping in view the vast scope of the PMMSY scheme with multitude locations and components and moving towards digitalisation, it was imperative to put a Management Information System (MIS) in place for aggregating information on one platform.
The PMMSY MIS dashboard aims at
(i) effective monitoring of the PMMSY scheme activities and their progress in all participating States/UTs
(ii). strategically utilising the information for informed decision making.
PMMSY MIS application aggregates the data from all participating states/UTs, analyses the data and projects the data in the form of a dashboard for sectoral insights. Key performance parameters are used for projecting overall performance at national and State/UT levels, thus highlighting specific achievements and gaps.
As the data is fed into the MIS system at district level by each participating States/UT, the platform is a true indicator of the PMMSY scheme progress. The information is further used for coordination, gap analysis and requirement to take corrective actions.
With many other technological development activities in the pipeline for MIS dashboard improvement, the Department of Fisheries and PMC team has been simultaneously making efforts on boarding of all the states/UTs through hands-on training on the platform and creating awareness.
It may be noted that fisheries and aquaculture are an important source of food, nutrition, employment and income in India. The sector provides livelihood to about 16 million fishers and fish farmers at the primary level and almost twice the number along the value chain. Fish being an affordable and rich source of animal protein, is one of the healthiest options to mitigate hunger and malnutrition.
The PMMSY scheme intends to address critical gaps in fish production and productivity, quality, technology, post-harvest infrastructure and management, modernisation and strengthening of value chain, traceability, establishing a robust fisheries management framework and fishers’ welfare.
The PMMSY is an umbrella scheme with two separate Components namely (a) Central Sector Scheme (CS) and (b) Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS).
The Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) Component is further segregated into Non- 2 beneficiary oriented and beneficiary orientated sub-components/activities under the following three broad heads:
(i) Enhancement of Production and Productivity
(ii) Infrastructure and Post-harvest Management
(iii) Fisheries Management and Regulatory Framework
The Aims and Objectives of the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) are:
(a) Harnessing of fisheries potential in a sustainable, responsible, inclusive and equitable manner
(b) Enhancing of fish production and productivity through expansion, intensification, diversification and productive utilization of land and water
(c) Modernizing and strengthening of value chain – post-harvest management and quality improvement
(d) Doubling fishers and fish farmers incomes and generation of employment
(e) Enhancing contribution to Agriculture GVA and exports
(f) Social, physical and economic security for fishers and fish farmers
(g) Robust fisheries management and regulatory framework
Enhancing exports to Rs 1 lakh Crore by 2024-25 is one of the key objectives of PMMSY. Towards this end, focus will be given under PMMSY for species diversification, value addition, infrastructure creation and modernization, end to end traceability, brand promotion, certification etc.
The anticipated outcomes on account of implementation of Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) in quantifiable terms are as below:
(a) The fish production is likely to be enhanced from 13.75 million metric tons (2018-19) to 22 million metric tons by 2024-25.
(b) A sustained average annual growth of about 9% in fish production is expected.
(c) An increase in the contribution of the GVA of the fisheries sector to the Agriculture GVA from 7.28% in 2018-19 to about 9% by 2024-25.
(d) Double export earnings from the present Rs.46,589 crore (2018-19) to about Rs.1,00,000 crore by 2024-25.
(e) Enhancement of productivity in aquaculture from the present national average of 3 tonnes to about 5 tonnes per hectare.
(f) Reduction of post-harvest losses from the reported 20-25% to about 10%.
(g) Doubling of incomes of fishers and fish farmers.
(h) Generation of about 15 lakhs direct gainful employment opportunities and thrice the number as indirect employment opportunities along the supply and value chain.
(i) Enhancement of the domestic fish consumption from about 5 kg to about 12 kg per capita.
(j) Encouragement of private investment and facilitation of growth of entrepreneurship in the fisheries sector.
The intended beneficiaries under the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana(PMMSY) are:
(i) Fishers
(ii) Fish farmers
(iii) Fish workers and Fish vendors
(iv) Fisheries Development corporations
(v) Self Help Groups (SHGs)/Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) in fisheries sector
(vi) Fisheries cooperatives
(vii) Fisheries Federations
(viii) Entrepreneurs and private firms
(ix) Fish Farmers Producer Organisations/Companies (FFPOs/Cs)
(x) SCs/STs/Women/Differently-abled persons