Enact Law For Banning Mosques In Ayodhya, Kashi And Mathura

H“indus are the most tolerant of all the religions in the world. This alone explains why Hindus did not insist on making India a theocratic state unlike Pakistan which till August 13, 1947 formed an integral part of India. Not just this, Hindus did not utter a word when Jawaharlal Nehru who was India’s first PM most wrongly imposed monogamy only on Hindus alone on both men and women even though in British rule both Hindu men and women could marry as many as they wanted. This despite the irrefutable fact that Dr BR Ambedkar who left Congress due to being ignored in Congress very early had recommended as Union Law Minister in his Hindu Code Bill 1951 that polygamy should be retained among Hindus and to make polygamy just a ground for divorce but Nehru overruled him and abolished both polygamy and polyandry for both Hindu male and female and made polygamy punishable for Hindus alone and not Muslims which I term as most discriminatory yet Hindus bowed before Nehru and most humbly hailed his most stupid decision! Why Hindus who want to marry again have to first convert to Islam to marry again? Is this not discriminatory directed against Hindus? Why Nehru ruled India for 17 years yet did not abolish polygamy for Muslims? It is because he feared that Muslims will protest most violently as they are not Hindus who never fight for their legal rights and are most tolerant in the world! I dare say that no PM can ever have the guts, gall and gumption to abolish polygamy for Muslims also! Not just this, why Muslims most stupidly, shamelessly and senselessly fight over Ayodhya, Kashi known also as Varanasi and Mathura which have been Hindu religious sacred sites since ages and still so many Hindus also bat for Muslims openly? Not a single mosque should ever be allowed in Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura! Centre must promptly enact a law banning mosques in Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura but it will never do so due to votebank politics. This is the worst appeasement policy in which so called “secular parties” shamelessly indulge in! Should Ram temple or Shiv temple or Krishna temple be built in Mecca, Medina or any other place in Saudi Arabia? What if Hindus also demand the same in Mecca and Medina to build a temple there? Will any Muslim anywhere in world accept this? Muslims will never accept or permit even a single temple to come up not just in Saudi Arabia alone but in other Arab country or Muslim country in the world! Then why Muslims keep fighting with Hindus over Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura? Why can’t Muslims respect the deepest sentiments of Hindus attached with these religious places and not fight over it in the manner that one most shamefully sees? If India is a secular country, it is because of Hindus and Hindus yet never get due credit for this. According to our Shariat, namaz offered at land occupied by force is not acceptable by Allah under any circumstances. How can a Mughal tyrant like Aurangzeb be preferred over Lord Shiva with whom Hindus identify themselves with? Aurangzeb killed his own elder brother Dara and then threw his head before father Shah Jahan whom he had imprisoned in Agra and is notorious for demolishing so many Hindu temples. Should we Muslims be proud of the dastardly acts which he committed? Similarly should Babur be allowed to run his legacy in Ayodhya as his general demolished the ancient temple and built mosque over it? Same holds true for Mathura where again Aurangzeb played the villain role! The Public Worship Act 1991 must be abolished and there must be complete ban on mosques in Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura!”
These priceless words came from none other than my best friend Sageer Khan who like a rock stood with me when I failed in BSc IInd year in 1994 by just one mark in Botany and two marks in Chemistry and had to face taunting remarks from my closest friends and even though my number in Botany were increased by 12 marks after the reevaluation results were out but as the Supplementary examination had been conducted, I lost my precious one year. Before I could take any extreme step, this very same Sageer Khan who was staying in rented building in first floor and I was in ground floor and who till then I treated just like a normal friend suddenly knocked the door and when I cried on seeing him after opening the door, he hugged me like his own brother and consoled me and cared for me for months and months together which I can never forget. Inspite of being a Muslim he treated me like his own brother and ensured that I don’t do any thing wrong by totally giving up in life and accompanied me always to a temple close to Civil Lines in Sagar in Madhya Pradesh and took a pledge from me with tears in his eyes and placed my hand on his head when I expressed my desire to him to become a Muslim as he had held my hand in my worst time that just like he worshipped Allah similarly I too would never give up my faith in Lord Shiva whom I worshipped since my childhood days and would keep worshipping him till I die and leave alone convert would never even enter any mosque in life nor see towards it. It was a coincidence that the temple he accompanied me to was of Lord Hanuman and Devi Durga and therefore I started having deepest regards for both of them also!
There are many such Muslims in India who always believe in tolerance and harmony but they are seldom accorded due media coverage. We see mostly hardliners out to just provoke people of their own religion to act against others and make them believe that they are sworn enemies of each other! We all saw how Sufi Khan who many years back publicly backed Hindus claim for temple in Ayodhya was beaten and roughed up by not just ordinary Muslims but even eminent Imams! This blind hatred whether in minds of Hindus or Muslims must be made to disappear by being united always!
As far as I myself am concerned, I will not mind even if whole of Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura are flooded with mosques for I consider no difference between a temple and a mosque. But my best friend Sageer Khan was dead determined from 1993 to 1995 when I was in contact with him that not a single mosque should ever be built in these three holy Hindu cities by shamelessly batting for Mughal invader Babur or the tyrant Aurangzeb! With my own eyes I saw him many times getting into verbal exchanges with Muslims over this! While returning from Sagar University I saw him into serious verbal exchanges with some Muslims telling them that, “Why we fight over all such places which Hindus hold most dear to their heart like Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura since lakhs of years? Will we ever compromise on Mecca or Medina? Then why we expect Hindus to always compromise and buckle on Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura? Not a single mosque should ever be built here. Centre must declare them as Hindu holy sites only. Why can’t Muslims worship in other cities as India is such a big country? Not just this, why do we fight for mosques built by cruel kings and invaders like Babur and Aurangzeb? Do they really deserve this honour who themselves plundered and looted and destroyed temples and violated the concept of peace and harmony as contained in the Quran itself?”
Needless to say, the RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat very rightly advised Hindus not to search a Shiv Linga in every mosque. But Muslims must also remember what my best friend Sageer Khan always said that, “Muslims are most secure in India and enjoy maximum freedom all over the world. We are still enjoying triple talaq which Pakistan abolished in 1961. We are still enjoying polygamy which Turkey inspite of being a Muslim country among others have abolished it and even for Hindus Nehru abolished it in 1955. Why were we then given the exclusive freedom to still engage in polygamy? Why this shameless, senseless and stupid discrimination between Hindus and Muslims? Why no PM has ever dared to correct this? Why we fight with Hindus over cruel invaders and dictators like Babur and Aurangzeb by vowing to safeguard the mosques which they built by demolishing most sacred Hindu temples?”
It cannot be denied that just like clapping cannot be done with one hand alone similarly Muslims must also and so also Hindus must also come together and bury their hatchet and prefer to always settle their differences amicably and show more large heartedness as my best friend Sageer Khan always advocated. Sageer Khan said that, “It is provided in our Shariat that land which Muslims occupy for mosque must be by legal procedure and owner must be paid adequately and there should be no fight over it. But in Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura, the Mughal invaders like Babur among others came and destroyed temples by force and without paying anything built mosques over them and how can any Muslim on earth ever justify it and vow to safeguard it till eternity? I will prefer death than worship at any disputed site as Allah will never accept my prayer made at the cost of unleashing unhappiness on others just like I will never offer namaz on roads by blocking it as I will never want that other person wanting to visit hospital is made to wait just because of my offering namaz which I can do at any other place so as not to disturb others!”
The million dollar question is: Why can’t all Muslims in this world think like my best friend Sageer Khan? There can be no fight ever between people of different religions if we all think and act like him! Muslims must rise to the occasion and show some large heartedness as my best friend Sageer Khan always expected from his Muslim brothers! Similarly Hindus also must pay heed to what RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat has said and not keep on searching for a new mosque to fight with Muslims on one pretext or the other.
It definitely merits no reiteration that only if we stay united can India become powerful, prosperous and peaceful! We should all never get provoked by vested religious leaders, political elites and the hate mongers who only know how to kowtow in front of the old shameless and third rated British policy of “Divide and Rule”! I myself will never like to worship by hurting my Muslim brothers and so also Muslims too must pay heed to what my best friend Sageer Khan said such a long time back but which still holds relevant even today!
In hindsight, I recall Sageer Khan also said that, “Hindus are being repeatedly subjected to target killings in Kashmir and even innocent pilgrims are not spared and shot dead in temple itself as we saw also in Raghunath Mandir in Jammu and so also at other places and in 1990 were made to leave their own house and were killed, raped and houses were razed not sparing even those Muslims who sympathized with Hindus yet did Hindus all over India fight with Muslims? Definitely not. So Muslims must also respect the large heartedness of Hindus and not take it as their biggest weakness and always keep on fighting with them on one pretext or the other.” Politicians should not be allowed to use Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura as vote bank issues. They must be settled amicably once and for all and at the earliest so that no more vote bank politics is done with these three Hindu holy cities and for this to happen at the earliest people of both the religions need to unite and not get provoked by vested hate mongers and leaders who are least concerned on the violence that breaks out due to the hate speech they deliver every now and then.
Of course, there must be zero tolerance for hate speech of any kind and here judiciary too must play an active role as it did in case of Haridwar Dharam Sansad and ensure that leaders of not just one religion alone but both Hindu and Muslim religion who spread hatred are sent behind bars at the earliest! I differ with my best friend Sageer Khan that not a single mosque should ever be built in Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura but yes I do entirely agree that Muslims must also be more accommodating and concede that Hindus hold deepest religious feelings for these 3 holy cities and the three sites in particular where Mughal invaders ruthlessly attacked and destroyed Hindu temples and erected mosques over them! This will only project Muslims in better light and help India become a peaceful, prosperous and progressive country in the longer run!