It is universally known that Mahatma Gandhi, the Patron Saint of Porbander, was a towering and unforgettable icon in our Freedom Struggle. His almost ” non- violent tirade” beginning with Champaran was not only exceptional, he also tried his principles of truth, peace, non-violence, passive resistance, self purification, Swatchchata etc, in a forceful manner. Their Impact is visible or discernible even now.But certain developments of recent past, nonetheless, may discourage his apostles.
Indulgence of humans in the rude developments perpetrated by surviving lust for neo colonialism and actions guided by other developments should compell us to review our strategies. Consistent loss of men and materials also shatters imagination and initiatives.They may appear attractive, yet these can not be sustained, keeping in view the needs of future generations.
Target Achievement Cleavage
Sustainable Development steps by giving up unviable means should be the leading light vis a vis a plethora of human endeavours.To a greater extent, upsurge in the confirmed cases of Covid-19 during the two waves, should have alerted, if not adequately compensated the actual Needy.
But what we experience is a diagonally opposite phenomenon with shaky foundations and support.
No longer apparent “support” of the UNO, G-8 or WHO can stop mass killings, forest fires, volcano eruptions, cyclones, chemical & Bio warfare etc.
How can we justify crazy and unsustainable designs that are also projected sometimes to appear as acts of accidents?
Mayhem in Middle East
Recently one has seen utter mayhem in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine, CIS countries and Afghanistan.Resentment is also multiplying in Russia, Brazil, Haiti, France and U.K.
Desperate voices emanating from the lowest rung of society and women folk in general, something Gandhijee always espoused for, are shamelessly being suppressed.Many of the perpetrators may also look helpless but they are compelled to endorse the “new” theory.
Ultra Left Activities
If one digs into history, the basic endeavour of Marxism, once a popular ideology, has been to grab the throne by gun power. All Naxal hit Left Wing Terrorism states are witnessing rapid use of such power against the State Police, prior to marginalizing Central Police forces, the second line of defence. While a gigantic fund for modernization of police gets wasted, innocent villagers hardly have any respite.
Communal Turn & Twist
While supremacy and unquestioned State authority has been correctly asserted ,yet there are foreign elements who exploit the poor economic & pathetic educational status of a vast population, mainly for religious motives
Mostly Indoctrination begins at a young age by exploiting the loopholes of British days and outdated rules and regulations.More than a hundred of these have been declared null and void, yet the Judiciary has begun raking up the matter.
Most of the time ,State should appear as a Saviour but these may appear infructuous, if adequate and regular support does not come.
Feedback To Suit Nation’s Interest
Feedback, not necessarily criticism, should come from the beneficiaries and those to be identified.
Sustainable Planning for the Needy is possible in a peaceful setting, not amid blocking of Shaheen Bagh and three points at Delhi Border’, by a section of foreign aided Kissan agitators.
We may Ask : :Can Redressal of Grievances be an unlimited Process?
Resumption of Dialogue
When most of the key grievances are getting ventilated even after facing large scale violence and blockades, there has to be reciprocity, rather than tendering an apology..People to people contact may also help.
Why to Malign Father of Nation ?
We tend to take the fair name of RASTRAPITA to begin a struggle or a strike but no sooner than later, we become outright Non-Violent.
We may not forget that soon after extinguishing the fire of a Police station at Chauri Chaura, Gandhiji had called off the Non Cooperation movement.
Taking a cue, the Kisaans should have withdrawn on 26th January 2021. Can we not have Pretence as separated from Possibility ?
Inflow From Overseas
Attempted desire for fulfilling Basic Needs is bound to happen, leading to a tussle with the might of State Power.
It has been observed that not only the activists are self-sustaining, rather, a tacit support, including money from wealthy and powerful countries, such as, Canada and England, keeps pouring in.It is perhaps being akin to Khalistan movement days.
One may carry out amendments, ensure requisite checks and balances but the extent of fire within us is difficult to measure, if not impossible to gauge.
Gandhiji may have met his nemesis on 30th January 1950 but his spirit must Lead Kindly Light our young nation having centuries old sustainable and tenable traditions and scientific brains that developed much ahead of times.They also have the required inclination and propensity.
Anger May Be Foolish
All anger may be foolish. Acts of violence nowadays are bereft of reason and rationality, destroying our tranquility. The state can and must be the Watchdog but the populace too have to understand their basic responsibility to the already speeded up process of nation building. Rights without commensurate duties may appear unreasonable and unsustainable.
^^^ When weapons of Satyagraha and strike proved detrimental to British,’ Divide & Rule policy emerged,
^^^While Chauri Chaura led to calling off Non Co-operation Movement , the sponsors of Kissan agitation too need to follow the “Writing On The Wall”.
^^^Not only the expression Harijan, coined by the Mahatma has been misused by vested interests, but reservation meant ONLY For10 years, has NEVER been Halted. Its very purpose is being defeated, apart from addition of EWS to the domain of Protective Discrimination,
^^^ Certain members of media not only get sarcastic pleasure in their unique modus operandi, professional activists are projected as Heroes, thus ignoring the basic sufferings of the common man.The expression “tool” gets converted to “Tool Kit”,
^^^ ‘Aam Aadmi ‘ has to be dependent upon’ Khaas Aadmi’, when even the Leftists appear themselves clad in the attire of capitalism. Yet, Last Line Connectivity (LLC), actual redressal of issues relating to Delivery of Resources(DoR) are rightly becoming a force to Reckon with,
^^^Caste base takes the access to essential Class Base as per whims & fancies of the Power Elite, who, according to Wilfredo Pareto, have a tendency to “Circulate”,
^^^ In Gandhi’s India, we seem to have become extra critical without thinking rationally.Will it be ever possible to offer a viable Solution?
^^^Supreme Court has rightly ruled : ” How can agitation by Kisaans be an indefinite affair when Bills in Question HAVE BEEN PUT ON HOLD ?”
Will comment on Ganghi’s idiology and his action in Indian politics latter on.
I admire his ideology,but not the Action.